Our mission at VALOR Man Camp is to execute an intentional, regionally-focused, relationship-driven strategy for cultivating authentic biblical masculinity, so that, together, we may more effectively engage the life and purpose God has given us.

More Details:

MANDATE: Men in pursuit of the presence of God, together.

  • Man Camp is all about leaving the hustle and bustle of everyday life, worries, anxieties, and the daily grind to journey to the mountains, like Jesus, to spend time with the Father, in order to return home encouraged, strengthened, and empowered to live the mission He has given us.

VALUES (culture)

  1. Relational Intentionality (iron sharpening iron, everything has - or can have - a relational element)

  2. Engage (show up, be open to Holy Spirit, worship, do the elements on the camp schedule, be present, do and speak as the Spirit directs you)

  3. Courage with Humility (having courage to speak into and receive truth from other men, do the good but hard things, but walk in humility with the Spirit)

  4. Wield the Sword (engage in spiritual warfare, deliverance, pour in grace, speak truth in love, fight AGAINST the enemy, fight FOR your brother)

  5. Leave a Legacy (discipleship, cultivate faith, patient ferment, long game thinking)

MAP (3 C’s) - “Sphere’s of Being”

  • Collective - Everyone at camp; meals, sessions

  • Community - Regional groups/teams & Church Groups

  • Core - One-On-One & Small Group Discipleship


  1. Prayer - We pray in the Spirit to hear God’s heart for ourselves and one another

  2. Worship - We worship the Lord worship in Spirit and Truth 

  3. Adventure - It takes Risk, Challenge, Uncertainty, but always gives Rewards; this is not simply recreational activities, but faith, relationships, and personal spiritual transformation.

  4. Discipleship - We believe a primary call of our faith is for each of us to grow into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ by following Him as His disciples; and we do this best by discipling one another.

  5. Testimony - Jesus’s followers overcome by the blood of and Lamb and the Word of our Testimony. We tell of the wonders and the greatness of God and how He’s transforming our lives.